Ostendorf - HT System (PP)
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Crassus предоставляет эту трубопроводную систему исключительно в информационных целях в рамках Лексикона труб.

Конец трубы
Категория материала Пластик
RXNR 1-7-S
Обозначение Ostendorf - HT System (PP)
Производитель Gebr. Ostendorf Kunststoffe GmbH
DN 75
Конец трубы Острый конец
Название материала Полипропилен
Цвет (внешний) Серый
Области применения Дренаж, Haustechnik
ID (мм) 71
Да (мм) 75
Толщина стенки (мм) 1.9

The HT pipe (the designation "HT" stands for high temperature resistance, which means up to 95 ° C) is made of PP (polypropylene). This gray pipe is used in the building up to the floor slab or outer wall. The HT pipes are used for the sewer pipes in the buildings. The HT is durable, corrosion-resistant and resistant to aggressive waste water and is flame-retardant B1. Due to the smooth surface there are no incrustations. It is available in the dimensions DN 32 to DN 160 and in lengths from 150mm to 5000mm. The fast, secure plug connection makes the system very easy to lay and assemble and meets the requirements of the most demanding customer. The designation "HT" stands for high temperature resistance (up to 95 ° C).

Plastic pipes are mainly used in sewage systems (waste water systems). A distinction is made here between KG pipe and HT pipe, AS pipe and PE pipe. In addition to the fittings or fittings (bends and branches are available in various angles, from 15 ° to 87 °, sliding sleeves, cleaning T-pieces, plugs), the pipes are part of the systems.

Source: Ostendorf

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