Various manufacturers - Clay pipe (from the GDR) according to TGL 11515
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Pipe end
Material category Ceramic / Vitrified Clay Pipe
RXNR 66-7-S
Designation Various manufacturers - Clay pipe (from the GDR) according to TGL 11515
Manufacturer wird nicht mehr hergestellt, Diverse Hersteller, Lausitzer Dachziegelwerke, Thüringer Dachziegelwerke, VEB Baustoffwerke Doblug, Vereinigte Dränrohrwerke, Ziegelkombinat (Malliß, Potsdam, Zehdenick, Buchholz, Neukirchen), Ziegelwerk Halle
DN 200
Pipe end Spigot
Material name Vitrified Clay
Color (exterior) Brown
Applications Civil Engineering, HVAC/MEP Sector, Drainage
ID (mm) 200
OD (mm) 230
Inside Adaptors
No products found
Outside Adaptors
Industry Adaptors
Special Adaptors

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